Shipping outside the U.S.

Only U.S. cardholder’s address can be verified. We want to be certain we are shipping orders to the cardholder. Our Ashford dealership also is limited to U.S. customers.

Canada, UK or Austrailia with a Paypal account where your physical shipping address has been verified we can ship non-Ashford items to that address.

Western Union Cash Transfer is also an option.

Shipping outside the U.S. can be expensive. Get an idea of shipping costs from zip code 98321 to you for most orders by checking the USPS website.

Contact us with what you want to order with your complete address and how you want to pay, Paypal or Western Union. Will invoice you total due.

International orders may be subject to customs, duty, taxes or fees, contact your local taxing authority for details.

Ashford Dealership limited to the United States. Find a dealer outside the U.S. Where to Buy If your’s does not have a dealer then we are allowed to fill orders to that specific country.