Ashford Sampleit Rigid Heddle Loom

Ashford Sampleit Rigid Heddle Loom
Ashford Sampleit loom for new and experienced weavers.
The perfect classroom loom.
Whether you are learning to weave for the first time, want to learn new techniques or sample your wonderful yarns, this loom is fun and easy to use. Just add yarn! Inexpensive, compact and cute without sacrificing function.
Weave up to the width of the loom (less draw in) allowing you to sample all your favorite rigid heddle patterns, textures and colors and also weave scarves, fabric and more.
The loom is made from beautiful solid natural Silver Beech timber and has strong handles, ratchets and clicker pawls so your warp never unwinds unintentionally.
Built-in second heddle holder. Requires two heddles of the same size to double weave.
Included with loom: 1 - 7.5 dpi reed, step by step instruction booklet, Two stick shuttles, threading hook, warping peg and table clamp.
Find a home for you loom. Add the stand with your loom purchase.
Optional Loom Stand: A strong and sturdy, adjustable loom stand, one size will fit both 10" and 16" SampleIt looms. Includes cross rail for both loom sizes. **does not fit standard Rigid Heddle loom.
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See how easy it is to warp and weave on the Ashford SampleIt Loom. The perfect loom for new weavers and great for sampling all the gorgeous yarns available today. The loom includes everything you need - just add yarn. Full step by step colour instructional booklet includes warping and weaving instructions as well as 7 weaving techniques. Click Here for SampleIt Loom ebook